High-end LXRY signature box

The highly personalized LXRY SIGNATURE BOX massively increases repurchase rates and loyalty among retailers of luxury goods.

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High-end LXRY Sportsbox

The highly personalized LXRY high-end merch massively increases the emotional involvement of your sponsors and business partners and thus the willingness to spend further.

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High-end LXRY real estate box

The highly personalized LXRY REAL ESTATE BOX massively increases repurchase rates and loyalty among property developers, project developers and real estate agents of luxury properties.

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About us

As a full-service provider, we specialize in the production of first-class and personalized luxury gifts for manufacturers, retailers and sellers of luxury brands as well as business/hospitality customers of sports clubs. Long-term customer and sponsor loyalty in the luxury and hospitality sector requires particular creativity. Customers, partners and sponsors need a sense of exclusivity and individuality. Our LXRY BOXES are much more than classic gifts — they create emotional connections and strengthen relationships with your customers, partners and sponsors. Through individual design and high-quality materials, we increase the willingness to buy and invest as well as increase loyalty to the company/sports club.
We turn moments into memories!
Experience how your message goes straight to the heart of your partners and customers.